Research Catalog

  • Summe and Substance of the Conference [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed by Iohn Windet [and T. Creede] for Mathew Law, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyeard, neare S. Austens Gate, 1604.
    • 1604
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An answer to A letter to the Bishop of Bangor, [electronic resource] : written by one Andrew Snap, D.D.

    • Text
    • London : printed for T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1717.
    • 1717
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A plain answer, with the reasons upon which it is grounded, to the question: ... Ought not every clergyman of the Church of England to oppose a repeal of the Test Act? ... [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • [Ipswich?, 1790]
    • 1790
    • 1 Resource

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  • An appendix to two discourses, [electronic resource] : In answer to a Scurrilous Libel, entitl'd, The indispensable Obligation of Ministring expresly and manifestly the great Necessaries of Publick Worship &c.

    • Text
    • [London?] : [s.n.], Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXXIII. [1733]
    • 1733
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An essay towards restoring primitive communion, in a letter to a friend. By J. H [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]
    • 1724
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An answer to Willoughby Willey's letter to the church-wardens of White-chapel [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • [London : printed for John Morp]hew, [1714]
    • 1714
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A seasonable antidote against apostasy. Containing I. Some plain Propositions, recommended to the serious Consideration of all those who may be under any Temptation to forsake the Church of England, and revolt to that of Rome. II. A Paper, pretended to be an Answer to the foregoing Propositions. And III. Remarks, at large, upon the said pretended Answer, by the Author of the Propositions. With a Preface, shewing the special Reasons and Occasion of making the same public [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed by T. Gardner, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand, for the Author, M,DCC,LVIII. [1758]
    • 1758
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • The jesuit's letter to Dr. Snape [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1718]
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A letter from the Jesuits to Father de la Pillonniere. In answer to the letter sent to them by that father, and published by Dr. Snape, in his vindication, &c [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed for T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Dissenters, and other unauthoriz'd baptisms null and void, [electronic resource] : by the articles, canons and rubricks of the Church of England. In answer to a pamphlet, call'd, The judgment of the Church of England, in the case of lay-baptism, and of dissenters baptism. By the author of Lay baptism invalid.

    • Text
    • London : printed for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1712.
    • 1712
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Dissenters, and other unauthoriz'd baptisms null and void, [electronic resource] : by the articles, canons and rubricks of the Church of England. In answer to a pamphlet, call'd, The judgment of the Church of England, in the case of lay-baptism, and of dissenters baptism. The second edition. By the author of Lay-Baptism invalid.

    • Text
    • London : printed for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
    • 1713
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A defence of the thirty nine articles of the Church of England. Written in Latin by J. Ellis, S.T.D. Now done into English. To which are added the Lambeth articles: Together with the Judgment of Bishop Andrews, Dr. Overall, and other Eminent and Learned Men upon Them [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed for R. Bonwicke, W. Freeman, T. Goodwin, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, S. Manship, J. Nicholson, R. Parker, B. Tooke, and R. Smith, 1710.
    • 1710
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An enquiry into the present duty of a low-church-man; occasion'd by the late act of Parliament. In a letter from a Dissenter in the country, to a low-church-man in the city [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Old-Change, [1712]
    • 1712
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A seasonable and serious expostulation with some of the dissenting teachers, [electronic resource] : concerning their present behaviour in their printed sermons and pamphlets.

    • Text
    • London : printed, and sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1716]
    • 1716
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau a chynneddfau a seremoniau eraill yr eglwys, yn ol arfer Eglwys Loegr : ynghyd Â'r Sallwyr, neu Salmau Dafydd, Wedi eu nodi megis ac y maent i'w canu neu i'w dywedyd mewn Eglwysydd: A 'R Ffurf neu Ddull Gwneuthur, Urddo, a Chyssegru Esgobion, Offeiriaid, a Diaconiaid [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • Llundain : printiedig gan Mark Baskett, Printiwr i Ardderchoccaf Fawrhydi 'r Brenhin; a chan wrthddrychiaid Robert Baskett, M.DCC.LXVIII. [1768]
    • 1768
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau, a chynheddfau a seremoniau eraill yr Eglwys, yn ol arfer Eglwys Loegr; Ynghyd a'r Ffurf neu Ddull Gwneuthur, Urddo, a Chyssegru Esgobion, Dffeiriaid, a Diaconiaid [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • [London] : printiedig yn Llundain gan brintwyr y Brenin Joan Basged, ac asseins Tomas Niwcwm a Harri Hils, a fuant seirw, MDCCXVIII. [1718]
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Esponiad byr ar gatecism yr eglwys. [electronic resource] : Sef, holiadau ac attebion ysgrythurol ynghylch egwyddorion a dyledswyddau'r grefydd Gris'nogol. Yn bum rhan.

    • Text
    • Llundain : argraphwyd gan Joan Olfir, ym Martholomy-Clôs, ger llaw Smithffild Gorllewinol, 1752.
    • 1752
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A compendious history of the rise and progress of the reformation of the Church here in England, [electronic resource] : from Popish darkness and superstition. Together with an account of nonconformity, and the Grounds thereof, since the said Reformation. By Daniel Disney, Esq;.

    • Text
    • London : printed for T. Varnam and J. Osborn at the Oxford Arms in Lombard-Street, and R. Robinson at the Golden Lyon in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1715.
    • 1715
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Hyffordd̈ıad i wybodaeth jachusol o egwyddorjon a dyledswyddau crefydd: sef, Hol̈ıadau ac Atteb̈ıon y sgrthurol ynghylch yr athrawjaeth a gynhwysir yng nghatecism yr eglwys. Angenrheidjol i'w dysgu gan Hen a Jeuaingc; Y Rhan Gyntaf. Yn traethu ynghylch Cwymp Dyn trwy Bechod, a'i Adgyweiriad trwy Grist; Rhagorïaeth, Breintjau, ac Ammodau'r Cyfammod Grâs; y Manteision mawrjon, y Cyssuron rhagorol, a 'r Dyledswyddau Crefyddol, sy'n tarddu oddi wrth y Breintjau hynny: Ynghyd â Rhwymedigaeth, Natur, a Nodau'r Hunanymwadïad; y Ffydd a'r Ufudd-Dod a gynhwysir yn Ammodau'r Cyfammod; ac amryw bethau buddjol ych waneg. Gan y Parchedig. Mr. Griffith Jones, Gynt Person Llandowror yn Sir Gaersyrddin [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • [London] : Argraphwyd yn Llundain yn y Flwyddyn, M.DCC.LXIII. [1763]
    • 1763
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau Gyda Chyneddfau a Ceremoniau Eraill yr Eglwys [electronic resource] : Yn Ôl after Eglwys Loegr A Psalmau Dafydd, Fel eu maent bwyntiedig Iw Darllain a'u Canu. Yn yr Eglwysydd.

    • Text
    • [Shrewsbury] : Agraphedig yn y Mwŷthig 1708, ac an werth yno gan Thomas Jones, [1708]
    • 1708
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Suspiria sacra [electronic resource] : or, the Church of Englands memorial: with an admonition to Jesuits and their patrons, extracted out of the statute law. Dedicated to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Absence of the Convocation. By Tho. Dawson, D. D. a Member of the Convocation.

    • Text
    • London : printed for Char. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1718]
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A passage, in the dedication of a treatise call'd, Suspiria sacra, vindicated, [electronic resource] : from the exceptions of the Lord-Bishop of Bangor. With a seasonable enquiry into the Hobbeian religion: And some Occasional Remarks on Dr. Clarke's Treatment of the Ancient Writers of the Christian Church. By Tho. Dawson, D. D. Vicar of New-Windsor, and one of the Proctors in Convocation for the Diocese of Sarum.

    • Text
    • London : printed for Charles Rivington, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and sold by J. Bettenham, at the Crown in Pater-Noster-Row, [1719]
    • 1719
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An answer to A letter to the Bishop of Bangor, [electronic resource] : written by one Andrew Snap, D.D.

    • Text
    • London : printed for T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1717]
    • 1717
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, [electronic resource] : a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau, A Chynneddfau a Ceremonian eraill yr Eglwys, Yn ôl arfer Eglwys Loegr; Ynghŷd-â'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd, Wedi eu Nodi i'w Darllain, a'u Canu yn yr Eglwysydd: A'R Ffurf neu Ddull Gwneuthur, Urddo, a Chyssegru Esgobion, Offeiriaid, a Diaconiaid.

    • Text
    • [London] : Argraphedig yn Llundain gan Edm. Powel, ac ar werth gan John Gouge yn Westminster-Hal; a chan Edm. Powel yn Black-Friers yn Llundain, 1710.
    • 1710
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogaeth y Sacramentau, [electronic resource] : A Chynneddfau a Seremoniau, eraill yr Eglwys, yn ol arfer Eglwys Loegr: ynghyd a'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd, Wedi eu Nodi i'w Darllain, a'u Canu yn yr Eglwysydd.

    • Text
    • [London] : Argraphedig yn Llyndain gan Charles Eyre a William Strahan, Argraphwyr i'r Brenhin: ag ar werth gan John a Charles Rivington, yn Mynwent Eglwys Paul, 1780.
    • 1780
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogaeth y Sacramentau, [electronic resource] : A Chynneddfau a Ceremoniau eraill yr Eglwys, Yn ol arfer Eglwys Loegr; ynghyd-a'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd, Wedi eu Nodi i'w Darllain, a'u Canu yn yr Eglwysydd. Ynghyd a Nam yn un deugain Erthyglau Erefydd.

    • Text
    • [Shrewsbury] : Argraphedig yn y Mwythig ac ar werth yno gan Tho: Durston, [1735?]
    • 1735
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, [electronic resource] : a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau, a Chynneddfau a Seremoniau eraill yr Eglwys, Yn ol Arfer Eglwys Loegr: ynghyd â'r Sallwyr, neu Salmau Dafydd, Wedi eu nodi megis ac y maent i'w canu neu i'w dywedyd mewn Eglwysydd.

    • Text
    • Caer-Grawnt : printiedig gan J. Archdeacon, Printiwr i'r Brif-Ysgol, M.DCC.LXX. [1770]
    • 1770
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A letter from a gentleman in the country, to his friend in the city. Leeds, Feb. the 2d [electronic resource].

    • Text
    • [London, s.n., 1705?]
    • 1705
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A copy of a letter sent to the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Glocester, [electronic resource] : from a clergy-man of the Church of England, living in Bristol, giving an account of one Thomas Perks ...

    • Text
    • Bristol : printed by W. Bonny, 1704.
    • 1704
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • An account and defence of the protestation made by the Lower-House of Convocation, [electronic resource] : April 30th. 1707. In behalf of the Queen's supremacy. Together with some reflections on an account of the proceedings in Convocation, in a cause of contumacy, lately Publish'd.

    • Text
    • London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1707.
    • 1707
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A discourse about the charge of novelty upon the reformed Church of England, made by the Papists asking of us the question, Where was our religion before Luther.

    • Text
    • London : Printed for Robert Horn at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, and Fincham Gardiner at the White Horse in Ludgate-street, 1683.
    • 1683
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text CI p.v. 14 no. 1-12Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

    Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

  • A letter to a member of Parliament, in favour of the bill for uniting Protestants.

    • Text
    • London : Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1689.
    • 1689
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text CI p.v. 19 no. 1-18Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315

    Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

  • Iniunctions for the clerge : Exhibite [blank] die mensis [blank] Anno dni M.CCCCC.xxxviii : In the name of God amen.

    • Text
    • [London] : [Thomas Berthelet], [1538]
    • 1538
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text *KVB (1538) (Church of England. Iniunctions for the clerge)Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328

    Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.

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