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Displaying 1-50 of 176 results
Gentics of populations / Philip W. Hedrick.
- Text
- Boston : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, c2000.
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JSE 00-967 Offsite Saxons, Vikings, and Celts : the genetic roots of Britain and Ireland / Bryan Sykes.
- Text
- New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2006.
- 2006
- 1 Resource
Available Online in Africa : historical, geographic, medical, genetic, and psychosocial aspects / edited by Jennifer Kromberg, Prashiela Manga.
- Text
- London, United Kingdom : Elsevier, Academic Press, [2018]
- 2018
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc E 20-516 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Geneticheskoe issledovanie naselenii︠a︡ I︠A︡kutii / pod redakt︠s︡ieĭ V.P. Puzyreva, M.I. Tomskogo.
- Text
- I︠A︡kutsk : FGBU "I︠a︡kutskiĭ nauchnyĭ t︠s︡entr kompleksnykh medit︠s︡inskikh problem SO RAMN, 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 15NOV 42473 Off-site Genetics, evolution, and man / W.F. Bodmer, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza.
- Text
- San Francisco : W.H. Freeman, [1976], ©1976.
- 1976-1976
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH430 .B64 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH430 .B64 Off-site A primer of population biology / [by] Edward O. Wilson and William H. Bossert.
- Text
- Stamford, Conn. : Sinauer Associates, [1971]
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .W493 Off-site Genetic distance / compiled by James F. Crow and Carter Denniston.
- Text
- New York : Plenum Press, [1974]
- 1974
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 .G46 Off-site The assessment of population affinities in man / edited by J. S. Weiner and J. Huizinga.
- Text
- Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GN62.8 .A8 Off-site The Structure of human populations / edited by G.A. Harrison and A.J. Boyce.
- Text
- Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HB851 .S77 Off-site Population and evolutionary genetics : a primer / Francisco J. Ayala.
- Text
- Menlo Park, Calif. : Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., [1982], ©1982.
- 1982-1982
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 .A94 1982 Off-site Molecular population genetics / Matthew W. Hahn, Indiana University.
- Text
- New York : Sinauer Associates : Oxford University Press, [2019]
- 2019-2019
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH352 .H34 2019 Off-site Genetics of cellular, individual, family, and population variability / edited by Charles F. Sing and Craig L. Hanis.
- Text
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB155 .G3898 1993 Off-site Population genetics and ecology : proceedings of the conference held in Israel, March 1975 / edited by Samuel Karlin, Eviatar Nevo.
- Text
- New York : Academic Press, 1976.
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 .P66 Off-site Gènes, peuples et langues / Luca Cavalli-Sforza.
- Text
- Paris : O. Jacob, [1996], ©1996.
- 1996-1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GN281 .C39 1996g Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.The history and geography of human genes / L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi, Alberto Piazza.
- Text
- Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1996, ©1994.
- 1996-1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .C395 1996g Off-site Molecular ecology.
- Text
- Oxford, UK : Blackwell Scientific Publications, ©1992-
- 1992-present
- 39 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH541.15.M63 M64 v.16:no.13-15 (2007) Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH541.15.M63 M64 v.16:no.10-12 (2007) Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH541.15.M63 M64 v.16:no.1-3 (2007) Off-site Quantitative genetic studies of behavioral evolution / edited by Christine R.B. Boake.
- Text
- Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH457 .Q36 1994 Off-site Mammalian dispersal patterns : the effects of social structure on population genetics / edited by B. Diane Chepko-Sade and Zuleyma Tang Halpin.
- Text
- Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1987.
- 1987
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QL708.6 .M36 1987 Off-site An introduction to population genetics theory / [by] James F. Crow [and] Motoo Kimura.
- Text
- New York : Harper & Row, [1970]
- 1970
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .C886 Off-site Readings in population biology / Editors: Peter S. Dawson [and] Charles E. King.
- Text
- Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, [1971]
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .D297 Off-site Population genetics / [by] W. J. Ewens.
- Text
- London : Methuen, 1969.
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .E85 Off-site Equilibrium behavior of population genetic models with non-random mating.
- Text
- New York : Gordon and Breach, [1969, ©1968]
- 1969-1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .K37 Off-site Population genetics.
- Text
- [Chicago] : University of Chicago Press, [1955]
- 1955
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .L419 Off-site Evolution and the genetics of populations ; a treatise.
- Text
- Chicago : University of Chicago Press, [1968-78]
- 1968-1978
- 4 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .W79 v.3 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .W79 v.2 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .W79 v.1 Off-site Unités biologiques douées de continuité génétique : Paris, juin-juillet 1948.
- Text
- Paris, 1949.
- 1949
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 575.1 F844 Off-site Immunology and evolution of infectious disease / Steven A. Frank.
- Text
- Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2002], ©2002.
- 2002-2002
- 3 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QR184 .F73 2002 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QR184 .F73 2002 Off-site The genesis of diversity / Bryan Shorrocks.
- Text
- Baltimore : University Park Press, c1979.
- 1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH455 Sh7 1979 Off-site Population studies and genetics. Contributors: B. M. Ansell [a.o.]. Co-ordinating ed.: Jerome Rotstein.)
- Text
- Basel, New York, S. Karger, 1969.
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RB155 P81 1969 Off-site Mechanisms of speciation : proceedings from the International Meeting on Mechanisms of Speciation / sponsored by the Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, May 4-8, 1981, Rome, Italy ; editor, Claudio Barigozzi.
- Text
- New York : A.R. Liss, c1982.
- 1982
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH371 In8 1981 Off-site Discovering the individual : a fascinating journey to new frontiers of immunology and genetics / Jean Hamburger ; translated by Beatrice Bishop Berle ; foreword by Lewis Thomas ; preface by Kenneth Clark.
- Text
- New York : Norton, c1978.
- 1978
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QP34.5 H173 1978 Off-site Methods in genetic epidemiology / Newton E. Morton, Dabeeru C. Rao, Jean-Marc Lalouel.
- Text
- Basel ; New York : Karger, 1983.
- 1983
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA652.2.D38 M67 1983 Off-site Human population genetics : the Pittsburgh symposium / edited by Aravinda Chakravarti.
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Von Nostrand Reinhold, c1984.
- 1984
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 H88 1984 Off-site Diseases of complex etiology in small populations : ethnic differences and research approaches : proceedings of a Symposium on Genetic Epidemiology in an Anthropological Context, held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, August 18 and 19, 1983 / editors, Ranajit Chakraborty, Emöke J.E Szathmary.
- Text
- New York : Liss, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB155 Sy61 1983 Off-site Guidelines for the study of genetic effects in human populations / published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization.
- Text
- Geneva : World Health Organization, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA566.26 G94 1985 Off-site Peoples of India : some genetical aspects.
- Text
- New Delhi : Indian Council of Medical Research, c1983.
- 1983
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GN58.I4 P46 1983 Off-site Population genetics / Freddy B. Christiansen, Marcus W. Feldman.
- Text
- Palo Alto, Calif. : Blackwell Scientific Publications, c1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH455 C46 1986 Off-site Journal of a medical and population genetic survey expedition of the research vessel Alpha Helix : to the banks and Torres Islands of the New Hebrides, Southern Islands of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate and Pingelap Atoll, Eastern Caroline Islands, September 8, 1972 to Novemeber 26, 1972 / D. Carleton Gajdusek.
- Text
- Bethesda Md : Study of Child Growth and Development and Disease Patterns in Primitive Cultures, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB155 G13 1985 Off-site Genetics in medicine / James S. Thompson and Margaret W. Thompson.
- Text
- Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, c1966.
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB155 T37 1966 Off-site The origins of theoretical population genetics / William B. Provine.
- Text
- Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH431 P94 1971 Off-site Population genetics and evolution / Gerdina de Jong (Ed.).
- Text
- Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1988.
- 1988
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 .P67 1988 Off-site Population genetics : the nature and causes of genetic variability in populations.
- Text
- Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., New York : The Biological Laboratory, 1955.
- 1955
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH301 .C6 1955 v.20 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 570.6 C67 v.20 Off-site Population genetics and evolution / Lawrence E. Mettler, Thomas G. Gregg, Henry E. Schaffer.
- Text
- Englewood Clifs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1988.
- 1988
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH455 .M48 1988 Off-site Genes in populations / Eliot B. Spiess.
- Text
- New York : Wiley, [1989], ©1989.
- 1989-1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH455 .Sp4 1989 Off-site Melanesian journal : expedition to New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, Manus, New Britain and New Guinea, 23 January 1965 to 7 April 1965 / D. Carleton Gajdusek.
- Text
- Bethesda Md : Study of Child Growth and Development and Disease Patterns in Primitive Cultures, Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies, National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, 1989.
- 1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R154.G12 G122 1989 Off-site Theoretical population genetics / J.S. Gale.
- Text
- London ; Boston : Unwin Hyman, 1990.
- 1990
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text QH455 .G35 1990 Off-site Genetic diversity among Jews : diseases and markers at the DNA level / edited by Batsheva Bonne-Tamir.
- Text
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB155.5 .G456 1992 Off-site Isolation, migration, and health : 33rd symposium volume of the Society for the Study of Human Biology / edited by D.F. Roberts, N. Fujiki, and F. Torizuka.
- Text
- Cambridge [England] ; New York, N.Y., USA : Cambridge University Press, 1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA791.2 .I75 1992 Off-site The Structure of human populations / edited by G. A. Harrison and A. J. Boyce.
- Text
- Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HB851 .S77 1972 Off-site Genetics of cellular, individual, family, and population variability / edited by Charles F. Sing and Craig L. Hanis.
- Text
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RB155 .G3898 1993 Off-site Human population genetics : a centennial tribute fo J.B.S. Haldane / edited by Partha P. Majumder.
- Text
- New York : Plenum Press, [1993], ©1993.
- 1993-1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text QH431 .H8384 1993 Off-site
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