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Drawing shadows to stone : the photography of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902 / Laurel Kendall ... [et al.].
- Text
- New York : American Museum of Natural History in association with the University of Washington Press, Seattle, c1997.
- 1997
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text N.A.ETH. D 797 Off-site Istoriko-kulʹturnye svi︠a︡zi mezhdu korennym naseleniem tikhookeanskogo poberezhʹi︠a︡ Severo-Zapadnoĭ Ameriki i Severo-Vostochnoĭ Azii--k 100-letii︠u︡ Dzhezupovskoĭ severo-tikhookeanskoĭ ėkspedit︠s︡ii : materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii (Vladivostok, 1-5 apreli︠a︡ 1998 g.) / pod redakt︠s︡ieĭ A.R. Artemʹeva.
- Text
- Vladivostok : Institut istorii, arkheologii i ėtnografii narodov Dalʹnego Vostoka DVO RAN, 1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text F951 .I86 1998 Off-site "Watarigarasu no āchi" (1903-2002) : Jesappu Kita Taiheiyō chōsa o tsuishi kenshōsuru / Tanimoto Kazuyuki, Inoue Kōichi hen.
- Text
- Suita-shi : Ningen Bunka Kenkyū Kikō Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan, 2009.
- 2009
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text MUS. (82) Off-site Gateways : exploring the legacy of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902 / Igor Krupnik and William W. Fitzhugh, editors.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, ©2001.
- 2001
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GN635.S5 G38 2001 Off-site Gateways : exploring the legacy of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902 / Igor Krupnik and William W. Fitzhugh, editors.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, ©2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text GN635.S5 G38 2001 Off-site
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