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Displaying 1-9 of 9 results
Briti shalom : yamin ṿe-smol, milḥamah ṿa-shalom / Shimʻon Gershon Rozenberg = My Covenant of peace : right and left, war and peace / Rav Shagar.
- Text
- Rishon le-Tsiyon : Yediʻot aḥaronot : Sifre Ḥemed ; [Alon Shevut] : Mekhon kitve ha-rav Shagar, 2020.
- 2020
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BM45 .S568 2020g Off-site Keneset Yiśraʼel u-milḥamot ha-goyim = Congregation of Israel and the gentile wars / Aharon Shemuʼel Tamaret ; ba-ʻarikhat Tsaḥi Slaiter, Ḥayim Roṭman.
- Text
- Yerushalayim : Sifre Belimah, 781 [2021]
- 2021
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BM538.P3 T363 2021g Off-site Le-hatsil et Yiśraʼel = Saving Israel / Ari Shaviṭ
- Text
- Rishon le-Tsiyon : Yediʻot aḥaronot : Sifre Ḥemed : Yozmat ha-meʼah, [2023]
- 2023-2023
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS128.2 .S439 2023g Off-site La conquista del imperio americano : el poder judío en occidente y oriente / Norberto Ceresole.
- Text
- Madrid : Ediciones Al-Andalus, 1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D860 .C47 1998 Off-site Rabin, ein politischer Mord : Nationalismus und rechte Gewalt in Israel / Amnon Kapeliuk ; mit einem Vorwort von Lea Rabin ; aus dem Französischen von Miriam Magall.
- Text
- München : Knaur, 1999.
- 1999
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS126.6.R32 K3615 1999 Off-site ha-Masoret ha-poliṭit ha-Yehudit / ʻorkhim Mikhaʼel Ṿoltser, Noʻam Zohar, Menaḥem Lorberboim ; ʻorekh shutaf, Yaʼir Lorberboim ; [targum me-Anglit, ʻInbal Ḳaro].
- Text
- Yerushalayim : Mekhon Shalom Harṭman, 767-779 [2007-2018)
- 2007-2018
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Heb 42809.137 v.1 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Heb 42809.137 v.2 Off-site Ḥasidiland = Hassid-land / me-et Mosheh Ravfogel.
- Text
- Tel-Aviv : Ketav, [777 = 2017]
- 2017
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BM198.4.I7 R36 2017 Off-site Megilat ha-ʻatsmaʼut ʻim Talmud Yiśreʼeli : meḳorot u-midrashim, sifrut u-meḥḳarim = Megilat ha'Atzmaut, the declaration of independence with an Israeli Talmudic commentary : sources, research, literature and midrash / yotser ṿe-ʻorekh Yiśraʼel Dov Elboim.
- Text
- Rishon le-Tsiyon : Yediʻot aḥaronot : Sifre Ḥemed, [2023]
- 2023-2023
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS126.5 .M445 2023 Off-site Ḥofesh ha-dat ṿeha-ḥofesh mi-dat bi-reʼi ha-raʻayon ha-demoḳraṭi = Freedom of religion and freedom from religion : a democratic perspective / Aviḥai Dorfman.
- Text
- Yerushalayim : ha-Makhon ha-Yiśreʼeli le-demoḳraṭyah, Merts, 2015.
- 2015-3
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BM538.S7 D67 2015 Off-site
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