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Displaying 1-50 of 96 results
Chamié, Tatiana 1041 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- France.
Chamié, Tatiana 1042 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- France.
Chamié, Tatiana 1043 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- France.
Chamié, Tatiana 732 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca 1934.
- 1934
Chamié, Tatiana 733 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca 1934.
- 1934
- 1 Resource
Available Onlineé, Tatiana 1019 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca 1932-33.
- 1932-1933
Chamié, Tatiana 1083 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- London, ca 1935.
- 1935
Chamié, Tatiana 1150 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Vichy, France.
Chamié, Tatiana 1151 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Vichy, France.
Chamié, Tatiana 1152 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Vichy, France.
Chamié, Tatiana 1020 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca 1933-34.
- 1933-1934
Scuola di ballo 2 / Photograph by Hugh P. Hall.
- Still image
- Melbourne, Australia.
Chamié, Tatiana 619 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Barcelona.
Chamié, Tatiana 612 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca. 1934-36.
- 1934-1936
Chamié, Tatiana 613 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca 1934-36.
- 1934-1936
Chamie, Tatiana 614 / Photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo, ca. 1934-36.
- 1934-1936
Chamié, Tatiana 665 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Switzerland, ca 1927-28.
- 1927-1928
Chamié, Tatiana 896 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo.
Chamié, Tatiana 635 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- France.
Chamié, Tatiana 89 / Snapshot photograph, no credit given.
- Still image
- Monte Carlo.
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