Research Catalog

  • Das Nestosdelta in Nordost-Griechenland : Forschungen zur Ökologie und naturschützerische Wertanalyse = Studies on the ecology and conservational-ecological evaluation at the delta of Nestos-River in the northeast of Greece = To Delta tou Nestou stēn voreioanatolikē Hellada : ereunes gia tēn oikologie kai tēn perivallontoprostateutikē axioanalysē / von Josef Szijj ; und Vassilis Detsis, Peter Wüst und Hans-Josef Wagner.

    • Text
    • Münster : Lienau, 1997.
    • 1997
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text QH151 .S95 1997Off-site

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