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Visione / Pozzi Escot.
- Notated music
- [U.S.A.] : Needham, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Notated music JNF 88-249 Offsite Jaikus de luz y de sombras : instantes japoneses : para contratenor, recitador y conjunto instrumental / Sergio Blardony Soler.
- Notated music
- Barcelona : Editorial de Música Española Contemporánea, c1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Notated music JMG 02-19 Offsite Strofy : na sopran, głos recytujący i 10 instrumentów = Strophes for soprano, narrator and 10 instruments ; Cantata [in honorem Almae Matris Universitatis Iagellonicae sescentos abhinc annos fundatae] na 2 chóry z orkiestrą = Cantata for 2 choirs with orchestra ; Canticum canticorum Salomonis na 16 głosów i orkiestrę kamaralną = Canticum canticorum Salomonis for 16 voices and chamber orchestra [sound recording] / Krzysztof Penderecki.
- Audio
- Poland : Muza, [1973?]
- 1973-1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Audio LS- 16764 Off-site The owl ; Aria for Edward John Eyre.
- Audio
- Sydney, Australia : Vox Australis, ℗1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Audio CD- 3737 Off-site
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