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Displaying 1-50 of 246 results
Comprehensive musicianship and undergraduate music curricula.
- Text
- [Washington, Contemporary Music Project, 1971]
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JND 72-32 Offsite Index to graduate degrees in music, U. S. and Canada. Compiled and edited by Harry B. Lincoln.
- Text
- [Binghamton, N.Y.] College Music Society [1971]
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JNF 72-81 Offsite Teacher education in music; final report.
- Text
- [Washington, 1972]
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMF 73-378 Offsite The Cornell University music review.
- Text
- Ithaca, N. Y., Dept. of Music, Cornell University.
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JML 73-33 v. 1-11 (1959-68) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *MA (Cornell University music review) v. 3, 5-11 (1960, 1962-68) Performing Arts Research Collections - Music Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
Zur Pflege der Musik an den deutschen Universitäten bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Nachdruck mit Vorwort, Ergänzungen und neuer Literatur.
- Text
- Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1971.
- 1971-1936
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JME 73-30 Offsite Dancing on the seats; a step by step guide to college concert production, by Andrew H. Meyer. Edited by Nat Freedland.
- Text
- [New York, Billboard Publications, 1972]
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMD 74-137 Offsite Music appreciation study for culturally disadvantaged college students.
- Text
- [Tallahassee, Fla.] 1972.
- 1973-1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Microform Sc Micro R-657 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Education and styles of innovation: the socialization of musicians.
- Text
- [Seattle] 1968.
- 1968
Newsletter / American Society of University Composers.
- Text
- New York, American Society of University Composers.
- 1968-1982
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 76-72 v. 1-8 (Jan. 1968-Fall 1975) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 76-72 v. 9-15 (Winter 1976-Autumn 1982) (Incomplete) Offsite Report.
- Text
- Binghampton, N. Y.
- 5 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMK 76-27 No. 2 (1980) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMK 76-27 No. 3 [1982] Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMK 76-27 No. 4 [1981] Offsite The status of women in college music: preliminary studies. Edited by Carol Neuls-Bates.
- Text
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMK 76-27 No. 1 (1976) Offsite Standards and practices in the teaching of introductory music literature courses for the music major.
- Text
- [Los Angeles] 1970.
- 1970
A study of the historical development of choral ensembles in selected Lutheran liberal arts colleges in the United States.
- Text
- [East Lansing] 1969 [c1970]
- 1969-1970
Music administration in higher learning / A. Harold Goodman.
- Text
- Provo, Utah : Press Pub., c1975.
- 1975
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMD 80-173 Offsite The collegium : a handbook / by Edward L. Kottick.
- Text
- Stonington, Conn. : October House, c1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMF 80-478 Offsite A Wingspread Conference on music in general studies [microform] / sponsored by the College Music Scoiety in cooperation with the Johnson Foundation, July 10-12, 1981.
- Text
- [Racine, Wis.?, : Johnson Foundation? 1981?]
- 1981
A study of the historical development of selected Black college and university bands as a curricular and aesthetic entity, 1867-1975 [microform] / by Lamar Smith.
- Text
- 1976.
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Microform Sc Micro F-10199 no. 1-6 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Musique et musicologie dans les universités françaises : histoire, méthodes, programmes (D.E.U.G., licence, concours, recherche) et liste indexée de 722 mémoires de maîtrise français relatifs à la musique / Michel Delahaye, Danièle Pistone.
- Text
- Paris : H. Champion, 1982.
- 1982
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMD 85-173 Offsite The Piano pedagogy major in the college curriculum : a handbook of information and guidelines.
- Text
- Princteon, N.J. : National Conference on Piano Pedagogy, c1984-
- 1984-present
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JML 86-23 pt. 1-2 Offsite Doelwitte vir musiekopleiding : intreerede gelewer op 13 maart 1980 by die aanvaarding van die professoraat in en die hoofskap van die Departement Musiek / deur S. Paxinos.
- Text
- Pretoria : Universiteit van Pretoria, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text L-10 4854 nr. 115-159 Offsite Music at UCLA.
- Text
- Los Angeles, Ca., University of California, Department of Music, 1985-
- 1985-present
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 87-30 no. 1 (spring 1985)-no. 3 (spring 1986) Performing Arts Research Collections - Music Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
The SCI newsletter / Society of Composers.
- Text
- New York : The Society, 1988-
- 1988-present
- 7 Items
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 88-56 v. 36 (Jan. 2006)-v. 39 (Dec. 2009) (inc.) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 88-56 v. 40 (Jan. 2010)-v. 43 (Dec. 2013) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 88-56 v. 44 (Jan. 2014)- v. 48 (Dec. 2018) Offsite Not available - Please for assistance.Jazz educated, man; a sound foundation.
- Text
- Washington, American International Publishers [1973]
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JND 81-12 Offsite Ethnomusicology in the United Kingdom : courses and resources / [compiled by Jack P.B. Dobbs]
- Text
- [Totnes, Devon, England : Dartington College of Arts], 1979.
- 1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JCX l-37 Offsite An analysis of the qualifications of music graduates of Black private and church-related colleges upon entrance into graduate music programs in major American universities [microform] / by Richard Martin Turner.
- Text
- 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Microform Sc Micro R-5980 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Boilermaker music makers : Al Stewart and the Purdue musical organizations / by Joseph L. Bennett.
- Text
- West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University, 1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JNC 92-21 Offsite Early-music degree programs in North America / produced and published by Early Music America.
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Early Music America, c1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JND 93-3 Offsite The provision and practice of sacred music at Cambridge colleges and selected cathedrals, c. 1547-c. 1646 : a comparative study of the archival evidence / Ian Payne.
- Text
- New York : Garland Pub., 1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMF 93-1212 Offsite Institutionalizing music : the administration of music programs in higher education / by Rodney E. Miller.
- Text
- Springfield, Ill. : C.C. Thomas, c1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JNF 94-43 Offsite Theology and music at the early university : the case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV / by Nancy Van Deusen.
- Text
- Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1995.
- 1995
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JME 95-161 Offsite La musicologie en France entre impasse et mutation : état des lieux et enjeux politiques / par Philippe Bachman.
- Text
- Paris : Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, c1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMF 95-158 Offsite Music in the undergraduate curriculum, a reassessment : report of the Study Group on the Content of the Undergraduate Music Curriculum.
- Text
- Boulder, CO (P.O. Box 18000, Boulder 80308-8000) : College Music Society, c1989.
- 1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JNE 95-28 Offsite Music and music education in predominantly Negro colleges and universities offering a four-year program of music study terminating in a degree / by Leonard Goines.
- Text
- 1963.
- 1963
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc D 99-1181 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Le Discipline musicologiche e l'università / a cura di Teresa M. Gialdroni.
- Text
- Roma : Società italiana di musicologia, 1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JME 95-149 Offsite CMS newsletter / College Music Society.
- Text
- Binghamton, N.Y. : The Society
- unknown-present
- 6 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 95-104 Jan. 2004-Nov. 2006 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 95-104 Jan. 2007-Nov. 2008 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JMM 95-104 Jan. 2009-May 2011 (inc.) Performing Arts Research Collections - Music Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Performing Arts Research Collections to submit a request in person.
Personality characteristics of undergraduate music majors in selected historically African-American colleges and universities : an investigation of relationships as measured by the Myers-Briggs type indicator / by Mark W. Phillips.
- Text
- 1997.
- 1997
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Manuscript JMD 00-28 Offsite Music and the higher education, by Edward Dickinson.
- Text
- New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1915.
- 1915
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *M (Dickinson, E. Music and the higher education) Offsite Music in the medieval and Renaissance universities.
- Text
- Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1958]
- 1958
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *MFBE (Carpenter, N. C. Music in the medieval) Offsite Music in the universities of Europe and America [by] Otto Kinkeldey.
- Text
- [Hartford, Conn.] Music Teachers' National Assoc. 1915.
- 1915-1915
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