Research Catalog

  • Ante Topić Mimara : donatorstvo kao sudbina : izložba u povodu 120. obljetnice donatorova rođenja = Ante Topić Mimara : donation as destiny : exhibition marking the 120th anniversary of the donor's birth / urednica/editor Lada Ratković Bukovčan.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2018.
    • 2018
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text N5280.C872 T655 2018Off-site
  • Nasljeđe Bizanta : Ruske ikone iz Muzeja Mimara / Dariia Lysenko, Ana Munk.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : FF Press, 2020.
    • 2020
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text N8189.C76 L97 2020gOff-site
  • Théodore Gericault : okovani Prometej kojega oslobađa Heraklo sa skicama i poprsje žene koja se drži za glavu i Bosonoga djevojčica koja sjedi - dvostrani crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Théodore Gericault, Prometheus in chains whom Heracles is liberating with sketches and bust of a woman holding her head with her arm and barefoot seated little girl, a two-sided drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; [urednik, Tugomir Lukšić].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2009.
    • 2009
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC248.G38 A4 2009Off-site
  • Henri Lehmann : crtež Studija i skica Oceanida iz muzeja Mimara = Henri Lehmann : the drawing Study and sketch of Oceanids from the Mimara Museum ; Jean Veber : crtež Dvije studije za Lutte des femmes dans le Devonshire iz Muzeja Mimara = Jean Veber : the drawing Two studies for the Lutte des femmes dans le Devonshire from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzeja Mimara, 2010.
    • 2010
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text ND588.L43 P47 2010Off-site
  • Claude Gellée zvan Claude Lorrain : Davidov bijeg, povorka vojaka i povratak Kovčega saveza u Jeruzalem : crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Claude Gellée known as Claude Lorrain : David's flight, column of soldiers and return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem : a drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2011.
    • 2011
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC248.L67 P47 2011Off-site
  • Adolphe-Léon Willette : crtež "C'est un conte blanc" i mapa "Pauvre Pierrot" iz Muzeja Mimara = Adolphe-Léon Willette : drawing "C'est un conte blanc" and portfolio "Pauvre Pierrot" from the Mimara Museum ; Oznake zbirki na crtežima iz Muzeja Mimara in na crtežima i bakropisu iz jedne hrvatske privatne zbirke = Marks on the drawings in the Mimara collection and on the drawings and on one etching in a Croatian private collection / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzeja Mimara, 2011.
    • 2011
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text NC248.W5 P47 2011Off-site
  • Guillaume Boichot, Obavijanje platnom i mirodijama prije polaganja u grob = Guillaume Boichot, Wrapping in linen cloth and spices before entombment ; Paul Gavarni, Laitière, tenue de ville i Nedovršena veduta trga s fontanom okruženom ljudima = Paul Gavarni, Laitière, tenue de ville and Unfinished veduta of square with fountain surrounded by people : crteži iz Muzeja Mimara = drawings from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; [editor: Togomir Lukšić ; English translation: Graham McMaster].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2013.
    • 2013
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC246 .P472 2013Off-site
  • Alfred Rethel : Grad Eltz, crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Alfred Rethel : Castle Eltz, a drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; urednik: Tugomir Lukšić ; prijevod na engleski Graham McMaster.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2014.
    • 2014
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NE1150.5.R47 P47 2014Off-site
  • Théodore Gericault : okovani Prometej kojega oslobađa Heraklo sa skicama i poprsje žene koja se drži za glavu i Bosonoga djevojčica koja sjedi - dvostrani crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Théodore Gericault, Prometheus in chains whom Heracles is liberating with sketches and bust of a woman holding her head with her arm and barefoot seated little girl, a two-sided drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; [urednik, Tugomir Lukšić].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2009.
    • 2009
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text ND553.G4 A4 2009Off-site
  • Henri Lehmann : crtež Studija i skica Oceanida iz muzeja Mimara = Henri Lehmann : the drawing Study and sketch of Oceanids from the Mimara Museum ; Jean Veber : crtež Dvije studije za Lutte des femmes dans le Devonshire iz Muzeja Mimara = Jean Veber : the drawing Two studies for the Lutte des femmes dans le Devonshire from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzeja Mimara, 2010.
    • 2010
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text ND588.L43 P47 2010Off-site
  • Claude Gellée zvan Claude Lorrain : Davidov bijeg, povorka vojaka i povratak Kovčega saveza u Jeruzalem : crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Claude Gellée known as Claude Lorrain : David's flight, column of soldiers and return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem : a drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2011.
    • 2011
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC248.L67 P47 2011bOff-site
  • Adolphe-Léon Willette : crtež "C'est un conte blanc" i mapa "Pauvre Pierrot" iz Muzeja Mimara = Adolphe-Léon Willette : drawing "C'est un conte blanc" and portfolio "Pauvre Pierrot" from the Mimara Museum ; Oznake zbirki na crtežima iz Muzeja Mimara in na crtežima i bakropisu iz jedne hrvatske privatne zbirke = Marks on the drawings in the Mimara collection and on the drawings and on one etching in a Croatian private collection / Slaven Perović.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzeja Mimara, 2011.
    • 2011
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC248.W5 P47 2011Off-site
  • Alfred Rethel : Grad Eltz, crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Alfred Rethel : Castle Eltz, a drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; urednik: Tugomir Lukšić ; prijevod na engleski Graham McMaster.

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2014.
    • 2014
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NE1150.5.R47 P47 2014Off-site

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