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Recommendations for the White House Conference on Aging [microform].
- Text
- Seattle, WA : National Asian Pacific Center on Aging ; [Washington, D.C. : Administration on Aging, 1995]
- 1995
Asian Pacific Islander community agencies network [microform] : final report / author: Donna L. Yee.
- Text
- Seattle, WA (1511 Third Ave., Suite 914, Seattle 98101-1221) : National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, [1998]
- 1998
Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of elderly Asian and Pacific Island Americans [microform] / Jeffry J. Young & Ning Gu.
- Text
- [Seattle, WA (1511 Third Ave., Suite 914, Seattle 98101-1221) : National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, 1995]
- 1995
Asian and Pacific Islander elderly bibliography [microform] / prepared by Brad Austin, Susan Schoenrock, Joan L. Roberts.
- Text
- San Diego, CA : National Resource Center on Minority Aging Populations, [1991]
- 1991
Helping families understand Alzheimer's disease [microform] : a multicultural, multilingual outreach program for Asian and Pacific Islander Americans : final report / Jeanette C. Takamura, principal investigator.
- Text
- Honolulu, Hawaii : Executive Office on Aging, Office of the Governor, State of Hawaii, [1993?]
- 1993
Breaking down barriers for Pacific/Asian elderly [microform] : final report / by National Asian Pacific Center on Aging ; authors, Jeffry J. Young, Lynn French, and Emma Catague.
- Text
- Seattle, WA (1511 Third Ave., Suite 914, Seattle 98101-1221) : The Center, [1995]
- 1995
Social work practice with Asian and Pacific Island elders [microform] : a compilation of readings / compiled by Colette V. Browne, June Kuroda.
- Text
- [Honolulu, Hawaii] : The University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Social Work, [1995]
- 1995
Asian and Pacific Islander elders [microform] : an educational training module / Suzie Yatabe, Lawrence Koseiki, Kathryn Braun.
- Text
- [Honolulu, HI] : University of Hawaiì, Center on Aging, 1996.
- 1996
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