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Particleboard in building: a guide to its manufacture and use; prepared by W. H. Brown of the Timber Research and Development Association in collaboration with an editorial committee of members of the Particleboard Section of the Timber Trade Federation of the United Kingdom.
- Text
- High Wycombe, Timber Research and Development Association, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSF 74-961 Offsite Proceedings.
- Text
- Pullman, Washington.
- 1967-1978
- 10 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 76-226 v. 10 (1976) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 76-226 v. 11 (1977) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 76-226 v. 12 (1978) Offsite Particle board manufacture / Howard A. Miller.
- Text
- Park Ridge, N.J. : Noyes Data Corp., 1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSK 73-114 no. 84 no. 84 Offsite Durability of exterior particle board [by] W. F. Lehmann.
- Text
- [Corvallis, 1968]
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSF 76-953 Offsite Taschenbuch der Spanplattentechnik / Hans-Joachim Deppe, Kurt Ernst.
- Text
- Stuttgart : DRW-Verlag, 1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSD 79-784 Offsite Noise in particleboard plants, by Edward P. Lhuede and William A. Davern.
- Text
- [Melbourne] 1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSK 75-386 v. 13-14, 16 Offsite Proceedings of the ... Washington State University International Symposium on Particleboard.
- Text
- Pullman, Wash. : [s.n.], 1979-1982.
- 1979-1982
- 4 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 82-111 v. 14 (1980) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 82-111 v. 15 (1981) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 82-111 v. 16 (1982) Offsite Proceedings of the Nineteenth Washington State University International Particleboard/Composite Materials Symposium, March 26, 27, 28, 1985 / edited by Thomas M. Maloney; associate editor, Lucille H. Leonhardy; graphic editor, Martin T. Lentz ; photography, Glenn Sprouse.
- Text
- Pullman, Washington : Washington State University, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSF 87-225 Offsite Proceedings of the ... Washington State University International Particleboard/composite Materials Series.
- Text
- Pullman : [Washington State University] Wood Technology Section, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering and Engineering Extension Service, 1983-
- 1983-19
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 86-512 1983 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSP 86-512 1984 Offsite Proceedings of the Fourteenth Washington State University International Symposium on Particleboard, April 1980, Pullman, Washington / edited by Thomas M. Maloney ; graphics editor, Martin T. Lentz ; associate editors, Cristina S. Calderone, Carolyn S. Ward, Andrea L. Ashley ; sponsored by Wood Technology Section, Engineering Research Division, Materials Science & Engineering, and Engineering Extension Service.
- Text
- Pullman : Washington State University, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSF 88-205 Offsite Board manufacture and practice.
- Text
- [Sevenoaks, Kent, England]
- 1958-1972
- 8 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VMPA (Board) v. 6 (1963) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VMPA (Board) v. 7 (1964) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VMA+ (Board practice) v. 8 (1965) Offsite Modern particleboard & dry-process fiberboard manufacturing / Thomas M. Maloney.
- Text
- San Francisco : Miller Freeman, c1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JBE 95-1315 Offsite Tecnología de tableros de partículas [por] Walter Ginzel [y] César Peraza.
- Text
- Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial, Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias, 1966.
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text E-13 5019 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Fibreboard and particle board; report of an International Consultation on Insulation Board, Hardboard and Particle Board, sponsored jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, 21 January to 4 February 1957.
- Text
- Rome, 1958.
- 1958
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text F-11 833 no. 1-5 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Verarbeitung der Spanplatten. Beschichtung, Möbelbau, Bauwesen, Sonderanwendungen. [Von] Hans-Joachim Deppe und Kurt Ernst.
- Text
- Stuttgart, DRW-Verlags-GmbH, (1967).
- 1967
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AD-10 1877 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Particle board and hardboard [by] L.E. Akers.
- Text
- Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1966]
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VEN (Akers, L. E. Particle board and hardboard) Offsite Die Betriebskontrolle in der Spanplattenindustrie.
- Text
- Berlin, Springer, 1963.
- 1963
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VEN (Plath, E. Betriebskontrolle in der Spanplattenindustrie) Offsite Strength tests on acetylated aspen flakeboards exposed to a brown-rot fungus / Roger M. Rowell, John A. Youngquist and Yuji Imamura.
- Text
- [Madison, WI : Forest Products Laboratory, 1988?]
- 1988-1988
Biological resistance of southern pine and aspen flakeboards made from acetylated flakes / Roger M. Rowell ... [et al.].
- Text
- [Madison, Wis.? : Forest Products Laboratory, 1987]
- 1987-1987
Evaluation of flakeboard bonded with xylitol-modified alkaline phenolic resin / Ronald W. Jokerst, Anthony H. Conner.
- Text
- [Madison, Wis.? : Forest Products Laboratory, 1988]
- 1988-1988
Tensile and compressive MOE of flakeboards [microform] / Charles G. Carll, Carol L. Link.
- Text
- [Madison, Wis.? : U.S. Forest Service, 1988?]
- 1988-1988
Damage accumulation in wood structural members under stochastic live loads [microform] / J. Murphy, B. Ellingwood, and E. Hendrickson.
- Text
- [Madison, Wis.? : U.S. Forest Service, 1987]
- 1992-1987
Capacity, production, and manufacturing of wood-based panels in North America [microform] / Henry Spelter.
- Text
- Madison, WI (One Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison 53705-2398) : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, [1994]
- 1994
Review of wood-based panel sector in United States and Canada [microform] / Henry Spelter, Dave McKeever, Irene Durbak.
- Text
- Madison, WI (One Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison 53705-2398) : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, [1997]
- 1997
Wood-based panel plant locations and timber availability in selected U.S. states [microform] / Tim McKeever, Henry Spelter.
- Text
- Madison, WI (One Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison 53705-2398) : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, [1998]
- 1998
Flake storage effects on properties of laboratory-made flakeboards [microform] / Charles Carll.
- Text
- Madison, WI : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, [1998]
- 1998
Gefahrlose Spänetrocknung bei der Spanplattenfertigung : Kontrolle und Verminderung der Schadstoffe, Verbesserung der Arbeitshygiene, Verminderung der Explosionsgefahr / Hans-Albrecht May, Lutz Mehlhorn, Rainer Marutzky ; [herausgegeben von] Fraunhofer-Institut für Holzforschung, Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut, Braunschweig ; Projektleiter, Hans-Albrecht May.
- Text
- Düsseldorf : VDI-Verlag, 1981.
- 1981
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ReCAP 10-20259 Offsite An evolutionary history of oriented strandboard (OSB) / John I. Zerbe, Zhiyong Cai, George B. Harpole.
- Text
- Madison, WI : United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, February 2015.
- 2015-2
- 1 Resource
Available Online and other wood-based panels : report of an International Consultation on Plywood and Other Wood-Based Panel Products, Rome, 8-19 July 1963.
- Text
- Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1966.
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TS1177 .I5 1963 Off-site Max Himmelheber, drei Facetten eines Lebens : Philosoph, Erfinder, Pfadfinder : ausgewählte Schriften / Walter Sauer (Hrsg.).
- Text
- Baunach : Spurbuchverlag, [2016]
- 2016
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text T55.85.H56 A3 2016 Off-site Plywood and other wood-based panels : report of an International Consultation on Plywood and Other Wood-Based Panel Products, Rome, 8-19 July 1963.
- Text
- Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1966.
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 9749.491 Off-site Wood particle board handbook / E.S. Johnson, editor ; written and compiled by A.A. Carlyle ... [et al.].
- Text
- Raleigh, N.C. : North Carolina State College, School of Engineering, 1956.
- 1956
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 9760.238 Off-site Proceedings of the World Consultation on Wood-Based Panels, held in New Delhi, India, February 1975.
- Text
- Brussels : Published in agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Miller Freeman Publications, 1976.
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TS870.W64 1975 Off-site Plywood, fibreboard and particle board = Contreplaques, panneaux de fibres et panneaux de particules.
- Text
- Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1976.
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TS804.F66 Gift Off-site Możliwości wytwarzania płyt wiórowo-polimerowych z wykorzystaniem poużytkowych termoplastycznych tworzyw sztucznych / Piotr Borysiuk.
- Text
- Warszawa : Wydawnictwo SGGW, 2012.
- 2012
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TH8139 .B679 2012 Off-site
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