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Displaying 1-49 of 49 results
Report of the chief engineer on the location and estimates of cost of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad. Accompanied by the report of Prof. Alexander C. Twining, consulting engineer, and the statement of the president and directors to the stockholders of the company.
- Text
- Hudson [O.] Observer Press, 1849.
- 1849
Reply to the complaints urged before the legislative committee on railroads, in relation to the management of the Boston and Albany railroad. By the vice-president of the company ...
- Text
- Boston, Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1875.
- 1875
By-laws of the Houston and Great Northern Railroad and the report of directors to the stockholders at their annual meeting, December 2, 1872.
- Text
- Houston, Union Steam Print, 1872.
- 1872
The mortgage bonds, (7 per cent, gold or 8 per cent currency,) of the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company ... Financial agent, W.B. Shattuck, banker ...
- Text
- [New York, Kennard & Hay, printers and stationers, 1871]
- 1871
Scheme of arrangement.
- Text
- [London?] 1875.
- 1875
To the bond and Shareholders ... Re-arrangement of capital.
- Text
- [London, May 20, 1875]
- 1875
Report of H. C. Seymour, Superintendent of the Eastern Division of the New-York & Erie Rail-road, to the assignees of the New-York and Erie Rail Road Company.
- Text
- New York, Printed at the Standard Office, 1842.
- 1842
Report of the Engineer to the Committee of Surveys of the Hartford and Springfield Rail Road.
- Text
- New Haven : The Railroad, 1839.
- 1839
The story of a trail; being an authentic record of the breaking of the Mormon trail between the inter-mountain empire and California's "land of sunshine," with the story of the founding and building along this historic pioneer highway of the Salt Lake route; a description of the marvelous resources contained within the area tributary to this new and direct line of railway now in operation between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific, [Microfilm] compiled by Douglas White.
- Text
- Los Angeles, Cal., San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, 1905.
- 1905
The Rock Island-Frisco system; a review of the development of this system together with the territory it penetrates.
- Text
- New York, Harris, Winthrop & Co., cop. 1909.
- 1909
- Text
- St. Louis, 1851.
- 1851
Reorganization. Notice, plan and agreement.
- Text
- New York [1899]
- 1899
Second mortgage. (Western division) Dated Sept. 1, 1887.
- Text
- Boston, T. Groom & Co., 1888.
- 1888
The relation of railways to canals; paper read by Mr. John F. Stevens ... at the First Annual Convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, Baltimore, Md., November 17, 1908 ...
- Text
- [Philadelphia] The Assoc., 1908.
- 1908
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TSB p.v. 88 no. 1-21 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Commission reports of the Mobile, Tuscaloosa and Florence Railway survey.
- Text
- Montgomery, Brown Prtg. Co. [1891?]
- 1891
The Missouri, Kansas and Eastern Railway Company to Central Trust Company of New York. First mortgage. Dated Apr. 1, 1892.
- Text
- New York, Evening Post Job Printing House [1892]
- 1892
An appeal to Congress in behalf of the Northwest, in connection with the construction of the N.P.R.R. and T. By A. Ramsey and others.
- Text
- Washington, Intelligencer Print. Establishment, 1866.
- 1866
An address to the public, and also to forthcoming legislatures of the "State of New York" ... [Signed, Albert Wadhams]
- Text
- [New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1877]
- 1877
Catalogue of an extensive collection of rare pamphlets on American railroads and canals ... also, scarce and interesting books and pamphlets, American and miscellaneous sold ... 1913 [microform]
- Text
- New York [1913]
- 1913
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 50-53 r. 29 Offsite Competition of steam vs. electric parallels [microform] By Charles Henry Davis ...
- Text
- [Montreal? 1902?]
- 1902-1902
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 159-162 r. 54 Offsite By-laws and organization for conduction the business of the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company, as approved by the Board of Directors, September 25th, 1879 [microform]
- Text
- New York: M.B. Brown, 1879.
- 1879
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 236-240 r. 79 Offsite Report of Joint Standing Committee on Railroads on House petition no.14, being petition of Housatonic Railroad, for amendment to its charter .. [microform]
- Text
- Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1889.
- 1889
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 254-257 r. 84 Offsite Railway efficiency in its relation to an advance in freight rates [microform]
- Text
- [Chicago, 1915]
- 1915-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 104-108 r. 42 Offsite Samuel E. Spring et als., trustees in equity vs. the Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad Company et als [microform]
- Text
- Portland: B. Thurston & Co., 1877.
- 1877
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 258-260 r. 85 Offsite Argument of James L. Minnis delivered before the Interstate Commerce Commission, October 29, 1914, on rehearing the five percent case, docket 5860 [microform]
- Text
- [n.p., 1914]
- 1914
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 104-108 r. 42 Offsite Les chemins de fer aux États-Unis [microform] Impressions recueilles au cours d'une visite par J. Carlier ...
- Text
- Paris, Publ. du jour. Le Génie Civil, 1917.
- 1917-1917
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZV TPG p.v. 124-128 r. 47 Offsite Editorials from the press of the United States.
- Text
- Chicago, 1916-
- 1916-
- Text
- [Chicago, 1916]-
- 1916-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPB (Association of Western Railways. Executive Committee. [Circular]) no. 1-18 (1916) Offsite Report of the Board of Directors of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company to the stockholders, December 31, 1887.
- Text
- Dubuque, Iowa, 1887.
- 1887
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Co. Report of the Board of directors to the stockholders) 1887 Offsite Annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders for the year ending ...
- Text
- Evansville, Ind., Chicago.
- 1-
- 4 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Evansville and Terre Haute Railroad Company. Annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders for the year ending) vol. 13-45 (1883/1884-1898/1899) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Evansville and Terre Haute Railroad Company. Annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders for the year ending) v. 17-22 (1871-1873/ 1875-1876) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Evansville and Terre Haute Railroad Company. Annual report of the president and directors to the stockholders for the year ending) vol. 46-57 (1899/1900-1910/1911) Offsite Proceedings of annual meeting ...
- Text
- [Chicago]
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TOA (National Industrial Traffic League. Proceedings of annual meeting) 1915-21 Offsite Proceedings of special meeting ...
- Text
- [Chicago]
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TOA (National Industrial Traffic League. Proceedings of special meeting) May 25, 1917, Je 11-13, 1919 Offsite Proceedings of summer meeting ...
- Text
- [Chicago]
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TOA (National Industrial Traffic League. Proceedings of summer meeting) Library has: 1916-20 1916-20 Offsite Proceedings of spring meeting ...
- Text
- [Chicago]
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TOA (National Industrial Traffic League. Proceedings of spring meeting) Library has: 1916, 1918-1921 1916-19 (Inc.) Offsite Engineer's report.
- Text
- Jackson, Tenn.
- 1-
Annual report of the directors to the stockholders for ...
- Text
- New York.
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Newport & Wickford Railroad & Steamboat Co. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders) Offsite Report of the comptroller and of the general superintendent to the Board of directors.
- Text
- Pittsburgh.
- 1-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TPS (Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway Company. Report of the comptroller) Offsite The railways and the people / by Sterling P. King ...
- Text
- Boston : The Four Seas Co., [1922], [©1922]
- 1922-1922
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 385.973 K587 Off-site
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