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Displaying 1-50 of 65 results
Four sermons on ... important subjects ... By Samuel Stillman ...
- Text
- Boston: N.E. Printed and sold by Ezekial Russell. 1769.
- 1769
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *KD 1769 (Stillman, S. Four sermons on ... important subjects) Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
God of the rahtid : redeeming rage / Robert Beckford.
- Text
- London : Darton Longman + Todd, 2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JFD 01-4263 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Salvation for the righteous revealed : Jesus amid covenantal and messianic expectations in Second Temple Judaism / by Ed Condra.
- Text
- Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2002.
- 2002
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *PFX 02-4259 Schwarzman Building - Dorot Jewish Division Room 111 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
La memoria del bene e l'educazione alla responsabilità personale / Gabriele Nissim ; a cura di Francesca Nodari.
- Text
- Roccafranca (Brescia) : Massetti Rodella, c2013.
- 2013
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text ReCAP 14-3358 Offsite Endless life the inheritance of the righteous [electronic resource] : a discourse delivered in the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, New York, on Sabbath, October 11, 1874, in memory of Rev. John N. McLeod, D.D., the pastor / by David Steele.
- Text
- New York : Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, 1875.
- 1875
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Miriam Phillips [electronic resource] : consort of His Honor William Phillips : delivered on the 18th of May, being the Sabbath after the funeral / by Benjamin B. Wisner.
- Text
- Cambridge [Mass.] : Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1823.
- 1823
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon occasioned by the death of the Hon. William Phillips [electronic resource] : preached on the third of June, 1827, being the Sabbath after the funeral / by Benjamin B. Wisner.
- Text
- Boston : Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, 1827
- 1827
- 1 Resource
Available Online discourse delivered June 20, 1813, before the officers and students of Bowdoin College [electronic resource] : occasioned by the death of Frederick Southgate / by Jesse Appleton.
- Text
- Boston : Nathaniel Willis, 1813.
- 1813
- 1 Resource
Available Online discourses delivered at Harvard [electronic resource] : the one, August 20, 1812, the day of the national fast on account of the war with Great Britain : the other, May 29, 1813, on the author's taking leave of the people of his charge : together with his request to the church for a dismission from his pastoral relation to them, the address of the church to the council convened on the occasion, the result of council, &c. / by Stephen Bemis.
- Text
- Harvard [Mass.] : Printed by Sewall Parker, 1814.
- 1814
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon on national righteousness and sin [electronic resource] : delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, April 3, 1827, before a large assemby convened for the purpose of adopting resolutions against duelling / by John Black.
- Text
- Pittsburgh : Printed at the Pittsburgh recorder office, 1827.
- 1827
- 1 Resource
Available Online excellency of the righteous [electronic resource] : a discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Elisha Doane, who died at Yarmouth, Mass., October 8th, 1848 / by Phineas Fish.
- Text
- Yarmouth [Mass.] : W.S. Fisher, 1849.
- 1849
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon preached at Billerica, December 15, 1796 [electronic resource] : being the day appointed by authority to be observed throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts as a day of public praise and thanksgiving / by Henry Cumings.
- Text
- Boston : Printed by Thomas Fleet, Jun., 1797.
- 1797
- 1 Resource
Available Online remembered in wrath [electronic resource] : a sermon : preached on Thursday, September 26, 1861, being the day of national fasting, humiliation and prayer / by the Rev. Dr. Fuller.
- Text
- Baltimore : H. Taylor, 1861
- 1861
- 1 Resource
Available Online exalteth a nation [electronic resource] : a thanksgiving sermon / by the Rev'd David Inglis.
- Text
- Hamilton, C.W. [i.e., Canada West, Ontario] : Printed at the "Spectator" Steam Press, 1866.
- 1866
- 1 Resource
Available Online king reigning in righteousness and princes ruling in judgement [electronic resource] : a sermon preached before His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq., governour, the Honourable His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, May 31, 1758 : being the anniversary for the election of His Majesty's Council for said province / by Thomas Frink.
- Text
- Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland by order of the Honourable House of Representatives, 1758.
- 1758
- 1 Resource
Available Online nature of justice and moral honesty. [electronic resource] : Shewn in two sermons preached at Ware in Hertfordshire; Wherein are some general rules Laid down, that may easily be applied to particular cases, As they may happen to arise in common life; And the Doctrine applied, particularly, to the case of Tithes and Offerings. By the Rev. W. Webster, D.D.
- Text
- London : printed for the author, and sold by W. Russell, without Temple-Bar, [1754]
- 1754
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon preached to the Societies for reformation of manners [electronic resource] : at Salters-Hall, on Monday, the 28th of June, 1731. By Joseph Burroughs. Publish'd at their Request.
- Text
- London : printed for E. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXI. [1731]
- 1731
- 1 Resource
Available Online righteousness insufficient, or, the absolute necessity of exceeding the righteousness of scribes and pharisees, shewn in a discourse from Matth.v.20. delivered at Kirkcaldy November 12. 1727. By Mr. John Currie Minister of the Gospel at Kinglassie [electronic resource].
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed for David Duncan, sold at his house in Caltoun, and by Mr. Andrew Atkin merchant in Kirkcaldy, [1728]
- 1728
- 1 Resource
Available Online perfect and upright man's character and encouragement [electronic resource] : in a sermon Occasion'd by the death of the Lady Gould; And preach'd at the chapel in Highgate, March 22. 1712/3. By Lewis Atterbury, LL. D. And Chaplain to Her Majesty at Whitehall.
- Text
- London : printed by J. Roberts, for Tho. Baker at the Bible in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXIII. [1713]
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermons on the following important subjects. [electronic resource] : The propensity that there is in mankind universally to make their own righteousness the ground of their confidence. Such righteousness proved to be essentially deficient: which is readily acknowledged by all, who know the truth as it is in Jesus. Imputed righteousness one of the glories of the Gospel. An inquiry into St. Paul's meaning in Philip. II. 12, 13. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." By Samuel Stillman, A.M. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston.
- Text
- Boston: N.E. : Printed and sold by Ezekiel Russell, at the new printing-office, in Hanover-Street, MD,CC,LXIX. [1769]
- 1769
- 1 Resource
Available Online confessio: the saints united confession, in disparagement of their own righteousness [electronic resource] : A sermon preach'd (summarily) at the Tuesday-evening lecture in Brattle-Street, Boston, Jan. 30. 1749,50. Representing the commonly receiv'd Protestant sense & use of two Scripture-passages, which depreciate all our personal righteousness, under the comparison of filthy rags, and of despicable dung. In opposition to popish abuse and calumny. By Thomas Foxcroft, M.A. One of the Pastors of the Old Church in Boston. [Ten lines of quotations].
- Text
- Boston : Printed and sold [by S. Kneeland and T. Green] opposite the prison in Queen-Street, MDCCL. [1750]
- 1750
- 1 Resource
Available Online lord our righteousness. [electronic resource] : A sermon preached at the chapel in West-Street, Seven-Dials, on Sunday, Nov. 24, 1765. By John Wesley, M. A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford.
- Text
- London : printed and sold at the New-Chapel, City-Road; and at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's preaching-houses in town and country, 1789.
- 1789
- 1 Resource
Available Online English. [electronic resource] : A sermon preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Monday, March 27. 1704. for reformation of manners, with some enlargements. By William Bisset, One of the Ministers of St. Catharine's by the Tower.
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed by R. Drummond, in Swan-Close, and sold by Gideon Crawford, Bookseller, at his Shop in the Parliament Close, MDCCXLVI. [1746]
- 1746
- 1 Resource
Available Online lord our righteousness. [electronic resource] : A sermon, preached at the chapel in West-Street, Seven-Dials, on Sunday, Nov. 24, 1765. From Jeremiah XXIII. 6. By John Wesley, M. A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford.
- Text
- London : printed by G. Paramore, North-Green, Worship-Street: sold by G. Whitfield, at the Chapel, City-Road; and at the Methodist preaching-houses in town and country, [1795]
- 1795
- 1 Resource
Available Online doctrine of the unity and uniformity of Christ's surety-righteousness, in the imputation therof to believers in its infinite value, Viewed In the Light of divine Revelation, and in that of our subordinate Standards of Orthodoxy; and Vindicated: In opposition to the Scope of another Gospel, taught in a late Catechism, intitled, An Help to the Ignorant, (upon the Head of Justification), by John Brown, V. D. M. and in A brief Dissertation on Christ's Righteousness, shewing in what Extent and proportion it is imputed in Justification, by the same Author. By John Dalziel, Minister of the Gospel in the Associate Congregation at Earlston [electronic resource].
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed for Thomas Familton and Thomas Wilson in Earlston, and sold by them, and by the Booksellers in Town and Country, MDCCLX. [1760]
- 1760
- 1 Resource
Available Online caution against mistakes in religion. [electronic resource] : In a letter to a religious family.
- Text
- Coventry : printed for the author, by T. Luckman, M.DCC.LX. [1760]
- 1760
- 1 Resource
Available Online sermon on the righteousness of Christ [electronic resource] : preached at the Chapel, in King-Street, Birmingham, on Sunday Evening, Jan. 15, 1792. By G. Waring. Published by Request.
- Text
- Birmingham : printed and sold by J. Belcher. Sold also by L.J. Higham, No. 159, ST. John's-Street, Clerkenwell, London; by T. Lucas, [Birmingham] High-Street; the other booksellers in Birmingham; and may be had in the vestry of King-Street Chapel, [1792]
- 1792
- 1 Resource
Available Online between two Christian ministers, [electronic resource] : on the difference between the saints and the righteous, and on eternal life, righteousness, and faith. Containing some new thoughts on these points. Submitted to the Judgment of the Learned, for the Sake of investigating the Truth; and with a view to conciliate the Minds of Christian Professors to one another.
- Text
- York : printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman; and sold by all the booksellers in town and country, Anno [1799]
- 1799
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Check with Staff Not available - Please for assistance.An earnest appeal to the public, [electronic resource] : in an honest, amicable, and affectionate reply to the preface of Aspasio vindicated. (dated at Edinburgh, January 7. 1765.) By J. Kershaw, Methodist Teacher.
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed by Auld and Smellie, Morocco's Close; Lawn-Market, M,DCC,LXV. [1765]
- 1765
- 1 Resource
Available Online' Sermon on the Mount [electronic resource] : mandating a better righteousness / Jack R. Lundbom.
- Text
- Minneapolis, MN : Fortress Press, [2015]
- 2015-2015
- 2 Resources
Available Online
See All Available Online Resources
Justos y pecadores / Raúl Cañete Juárez, Alejandro Schang Viton, Marcela Undurraga Castillo, David Espinoza Medina, Carol Vivero Carrasco, Carlos Peña y Lillo Herrera, David Costa Arellano, Anette Dujisin Muharay, Aníbal Ricci Anduaga.
- Text
- Chile : Mosquito Editores, 2014
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text ReCAP 17-2932 Offsite Christian character formation : Lutheran studies of the law, anthropology, worship, and virtue / Gifford A. Grobien.
- Text
- Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2019.
- 2019-2019
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JFD 19-4884 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Not guilty : experience God's gift of acceptance and freedom / Creflo A. Dollar.
- Text
- New York : Warner Faith, 2006.
- 2006
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc D 10-774 Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Who are the righteous? : the narrative function of the dikaioi in the gospel of Luke / Denise Powell.
- Text
- Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, [2021]
- 2021
- 1 Resource
Available Online and righteousness and concern for the poor in Jer 21:1-23:8 : a redactional and exegetical analysis / M. David Stanly Kumar.
- Text
- Bengaluru : Theological Publications in India, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JFE 21-7067 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The nonentity of Romish saints and the inanity of Romish ordinances / by Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D., Vicar of Leeds.
- Text
- London : John Murray, 1849
- 1849
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *C p.v. 273 18 titles Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Mahābhārata meṃ āpaddharma evaṃ prāyaścita vidhāna / Ḍô. Devadatta Śarmā.
- Text
- Naī Dillī, Bhārata : Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāusa, 2020.
- 2020
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BL1138.27 .S2693 2020 Off-site God of the rahtid : redeeming rage / Robert Beckford.
- Text
- London : Darton Longman & Todd, 2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BT764.3 .B43 2001g Off-site Gerechtigkeit und Leben im hellenistischen Zeitalter : Symposium anlässlich des 75. Geburtstags von Otto Kaiser / herausgegeben von Jörg Jeremias.
- Text
- Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, [2001], ©2001.
- 2001-2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BS1765.2 .G47 2001g Off-site True religion.
- Text
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne : J. Barker, printer, [1845?]
- 1845
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text LS18 B255tr Off-site The Quelle and the Targums : righteousness in the Sermon on the Mount/Plain / Pino Di Luccio.
- Text
- Roma : Editrice Pontificio Istituto biblico, [2009], ©2009.
- 2009-2009
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BS2555.52 .D5 2009g Off-site Ved gaven helbreder han naturen : helbredelsestanken i Luthers retfærdiggørelseslære / af Asger Chr. Højlund.
- Text
- Århus : Kolon, 1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Lições de direito penal (causas de justificação do facto); apontamentos segundo as preleccões do professor doutor Beleza dos Santos ao curso do v año jurídico de 1941-1942, coligidos por Maria de Nazareth Lobato Guimarães.
- Text
- [Coimbra] Coimbra editora, 1946.
- 1946
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text POR 981 NAZ Off-site Sinners and the righteous : a comparative study of the Psalms of Solomon and Paul's letters / Mikael Winninge.
- Text
- Stockholm, Sweden : Almqvist & Wiksell International, c1995.
- 1995
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BS2650.2 .W56 1995 Off-site Human freedom, Christian righteousness : Philip Melanchthon's exegetical dispute with Erasmus of Rotterdam / Timothy J. Wengert.
- Text
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BS2715.2 .W46 1998 Off-site Tietämättömyyden etiikka : Emmanuel Levinas modernin subjektin tuolla puolen / Riikka Jokinen.
- Text
- [Jyväskylä] : Jyväskylän yliopisto, 1997.
- 1997
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text B2430.L484 J65 1997 Off-site Recht, Macht, Gerechtigkeit / herausgegeben von Joachim Mehlhausen.
- Text
- Gütersloh : Chr. Kaiser/Gütersloher Verlagshaus, c1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Usko ja tiedollinen oikeutus / Timo Koistinen.
- Text
- Helsinki : Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura, 2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Rechtfertigungslehre und Christologie : eine Untersuchung zu ihrem Zusammenhang in der dogmatischen und homiletischen Arbeit und in den Predigten des jungen Iwand / Frank Pritzke.
- Text
- Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener, c2002.
- 2002
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Die evangelische Lehre von der Rechtfertigung : Ausgewählt und eingel / [Hrsg.]: Ernst Kinder.
- Text
- Lüneburg : Heliand-Verlag, 1957.
- 1957
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 627 Q3p no. 1 Off-site
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