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Journal of proceedings of the ... annual convention of Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and British Provinces [microform].
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : The Associations, 1854-
- 1854-18
Proceedings of the ... convention of Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and British Provinces [microform].
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : The Associations, 1879.
- 1879-1879
Proceedings of the ... annual convention of Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and British Provinces [microform].
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : The Associations, -1877.
- 187-1877
Techniques for discovering the interests of Young Men's Christian Association applicants [microform] : the discovery and meaning of interests in program building / by David Emmanuel Sonquist.
- Text
- New York : Association Press, 1931.
- 1931
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZT-2061 Offsite Trained leaders [microform] / prepared by Franklin W. Ganse, Henry H. Marcusson, Frank H. Burt.
- Text
- Chicago : Young Men's Christian Associations, 1901.
- 1901
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZT-2060 Offsite A hand-book of the history, organization, and methods of work of the Young Men's Christian Associations [microform] / edited by H. S. Ninde, J. T. Browne, and Erskine Uhl.
- Text
- New York : International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations, 1892.
- 1892
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZT-2072 no. 1-10 Offsite Life on the Negro frontier [microform] : a study of the objectives and the success of the activities promoted in the Young Men's Christian Associations operating in "Rosenwald" buildings / George R. Arthur.
- Text
- New York : Association Press, 1934.
- 1934
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ZT-2052 Offsite History of the North American Young Men's Christian Associations [microform].
- Text
- New York : Association Press, 1913.
- 1913
What is the Y M C A? [microform] : A study in the essential nature of the Young Men's Christian Association / by Paul Super.
- Text
- New York : Association Press, 1922.
- 1922
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