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Displaying 1-49 of 49 results
The economic transformation of Cuba; a first-hand account.
- Text
- New York, M[onthly] R[eview] Press [1968]
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC157.C9B6 Off-site The new political economy of the Pacific / edited by Bernard K. Gordon, Kenneth J. Rothwell.
- Text
- Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger Pub. Co., [1975]
- 1975
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC683.N48 Off-site International business techniques : legal and financial aspects / by Carol McCormick Crosswell.
- Text
- Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Oceana Publications, 1963.
- 1963
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD69.I7C7 Off-site Multinational management [by] F.T. Haner.
- Text
- Columbus, Ohio, C.E. Merrill Pub. Co. [1973]
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD69.I7H35 Off-site The politics of world hunger : grass-roots politics and world poverty / Paul and Arthur Simon.
- Text
- New York : Harper's Magazine Press, [1973]
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9005.S55 Off-site The political economy of international oil and the underdeveloped countries.
- Text
- Boston : Beacon Press, ©1969.
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9560.5 .T2 Off-site The oppression of the indigenous peoples of the Philippines / Felix Razon, Richard Hensman.
- Text
- Copenhagen : International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 1976.
- 1976
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HN717.R39 Off-site While six million died [by] Arthur D. Morse.
- Text
- London, Secker & Warburg, 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D810.J4 M59 1968 Off-site Spear and scepter; army, police, and politics in tropical Africa [by] Ernest W. Lefever.
- Text
- Washington, Brookings Institution [1970]
- 1970
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 1840.572 Off-site Pressure groups and power elites in Peruvian politics / by Carlos A. Astiz.
- Text
- Ithaca : Cornell University Press, [1969]
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JL3469.P7 A8 1969 Off-site Resource guide on world hunger.
- Text
- New York : Church World Service, 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9000.5.M9 Off-site Autonomy or dependence as regional integration outcomes : Central America / Philippe C. Schmitter.
- Text
- Berkeley [California] : Institute of International Studies, University of California, [1972]
- 1972-1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC141.S36 Off-site World agriculture in disarray [by] D. Gale Johnson.
- Text
- London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's Press [for] the Trade Policy Research Centre, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD1415.J6 Off-site American business abroad : Ford on six continents / Mira Wilkins & Frank Ernest Hill with an introduction by Allan Nevins.
- Text
- Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1964.
- 1964
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9710.U52F92 Off-site The Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction; twenty years of cooperation for agricultural development, by T.H. Shen.
- Text
- Ithaca, Cornell University Press [1970]
- 1970
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD870.5.Z63S55 Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Time out of hand; revolution and reaction in Southeast Asia.
- Text
- New York, Harper & Row [1969]
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS518.1 .S47 1969 Off-site World without hunger [by] Orville L. Freeman.
- Text
- New York, F.A. Praeger [1968]
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD1415.F68 Off-site Oil and the Mexican revolution.
- Text
- Leiden, Brill, 1972.
- 1972-1954
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9574.M6 R5413 Off-site U.S. foreign policy and Peru / edited by Daniel A. Sharp.
- Text
- Austin : Published for the Institute of Latin American Studies by the University of Texas Press, [1972]
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 1096.709.925 Off-site Silent invasion; the Chinese in Southeast Asia.
- Text
- London, Macdonald & Co., 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS509.5.C5 A42 1973 Off-site Seeds of change : the green revolution and development in the 1970's / Lester R. Brown ; foreword by Eugene R. Black.
- Text
- New York : Published for the Overseas Development Council by Praeger, [1970]
- 1970
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9000.5 .B73 Off-site International intracorporate pricing; non-American systems and views [by] Jeffrey S. Arpan.
- Text
- New York, Praeger Publishers [1972, ©1971]
- 1972-1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD69.I7A67.1972 Off-site What difference could a revolution make? : food and farming in the new Nicaragua / by Joseph Collins, with Frances Moore Lappé and Nick Allen.
- Text
- San Francisco, CA : Institute for Food and Development Policy, ©1982.
- 1982
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD1817 .C64 1982 Off-site Partners in development; an analysis of AID-university relations, 1950-1966, by John M. Richardson, Jr.
- Text
- East Lansing, Michigan State University Press, 1969.
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text LB2283 .R5 1969 Off-site Economic independence and Zambian copper : a case study of foreign investment / edited by Mark Bostock [and] Charles Harvey.
- Text
- New York, Praeger [1972]
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HG5850.Z3B66 Off-site Peaceful conflict : the non-military use of the military / Edward Bernard Glick.
- Text
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Stackpole Books, [1967]
- 1967
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text UH720 .G55 1967 Off-site Koreia - sever i iug.
- Text
- Moskva : Nauka, 1965.
- 1965
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC467 .A6 Off-site Latinskai︠a︡ Amerika, neftʹ i nezavisimostʹ / V. Volʹskiĭ.
- Text
- Moskva : "Myslʹ", 1964.
- 1964
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9574.L3 V8 Off-site La industrializacióne̐n la América Latina y las políticas de fomento.
- Text
- México, Fondo de Cultura Económica [1967]
- 1967
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC125 .D67 Off-site Um projeto para o Brasil.
- Text
- Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Saga, 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC187 .F835 Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.The law of international cartels / Heinrich Kronstein.
- Text
- Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, ©1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD2751 .K7 Off-site APEC and development co-operation / edited by Mohamed Ariff.
- Text
- Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, ©1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HF1642.55 .A595 1998 Off-site University resources for international development. A report prepared for the Agency for International Development under contract with the Academy for Educational Development.
- Text
- [Washington] [Agency for International Development] 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 6572.118 Off-site International dimensions of land reform / edited by John D. Montgomery.
- Text
- Boulder : Westview Press, 1984.
- 1984
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD1333.D44 I58 1984 Off-site Southeast Asia / by Durdin Tillman.
- Text
- New York : Atheneum, 1966, ©1965.
- 1966-1965
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DS513 .D873 1966 Off-site Deliver us from evil : peacekeepers, warlords, and a world of endless conflict / William Shawcross.
- Text
- New York : Simon & Schuster, c2000.
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D860 .S48 2000 Off-site The United States and international organization; the changing setting. Edited by Lawrence S. Finkelstein.
- Text
- Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press [1969]
- 1969
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JZ5566 .F565 1969 Off-site OON i prava cheloveka / I︠A︡.A. Ostrovskiĭ.
- Text
- Moskva : Izd-vo Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenii︠a︡, 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JZ4984.5 .O887 1968 Off-site Working for McDonald's in Europe : the unequal struggle? / Tony Royle.
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2000.
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text TX945.5.M33 R69 2000 Off-site Towards capitalist restoration? : Chinese socialism after Mao / Michel Chossudovsky.
- Text
- Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HX418.5 .C488 1986b Off-site Les nouveaux maîtres du monde et ceux qui leur résistent / Jean Ziegler.
- Text
- Paris : Fayard, ©2002.
- 2002
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HG3881 .Z48 2002 Off-site Destructive engagement : southern Africa at war / editors, Phyllis Johnson and David Martin ; foreword by Julius K. Nyerere.
- Text
- Harare, Zimbabwe : Zimbabwe Publishing House for the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre, 1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text DT746 .D47 Off-site Politics of empire : globalisation in crisis / edited by Alan Freeman and Boris Kagarlitsky.
- Text
- London ; Ann Arbor, MI : Pluto Press in association with Transnational Institute (TNI), 2004.
- 2004
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JZ1318 .P655 2004 Off-site A year in the death of Africa : politics, bureaucracy, and the famine / Peter Gill.
- Text
- London : Paladin, 1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HV555.E8 G54 Off-site La revanche du Tiers-Monde / Jean-Claude Chesnais.
- Text
- Paris : R. Laffont, ©1987.
- 1987
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC59.7 .C357 1987 Off-site World food and agriculture : some problems and issues / Sisay Asefa, editor.
- Text
- Kalamazoo, Mich. : W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1988.
- 1988
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HD9000.5 .W566 1988 Off-site Environment, society, and rural change in Latin America : the past, present, and future in the countryside / edited by David A. Preston.
- Text
- Chichester ; New York : J. Wiley, ©1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HN110.5.A8 E59 Off-site En quête d'Europe : construction européenne et légitimité nationale / Marc Nouschi.
- Text
- Paris : Vuibert, ©1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D2009 .N67 1994 Off-site The long twentieth century : money, power, and the origins of our times / Giovanni Arrighi.
- Text
- London ; New York : Verso, 1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HB501 .A75 1994 Off-site
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